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ShoutOut SoCal

“My best advice for anyone who is eager to carve out their own path within a company is to always be the squeaky wheel. Do you have a specific strength or talent that isn’t being utilized? Tell someone about it! Make it known! Carve out some of your own time to create an example and get it in front of the people who need to see it.” - Kelsea Little, ShoutOut SoCal

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CBS San Diego

“I was inspired by a couple of my friends who were raising money for their local food banks. I wanted to find a way to channel my creative energy while also helping those who need it most right now.” - Kelsea Little, CBS8 San Diego, April 2020

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SD Voyager

“At GoFundMe, I’m deeply proud of our commitment to uplifting the stories of the incredible people on our platform. As the host of our podcast, I have the privilege of meeting many of these amazing people face to face and seeing their impact firsthand, and it has been humbling to say the least.” - Kelsea Little, SD Voyager interview, 2019


People Magazine

“Let us be grateful for this opportunity to listen and thank ordinary individuals who took extraordinary risks and made sacrifices to do the right thing. Remarkable people who took responsibility, who took the wellbeing of others in front of their own needs… That, my friends, is my definition of a hero.” - GoFundMe Heroes Celebration keynote speaker Ben Lesser, 91, Holocaust survivor — People Magazine article, November 2019

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Right This Minute

“When people want to do good in the world, they come to [GoFundMe]. We wanted to inspire even more people to do those things, and podcasts are a great way to tell those stories.” - Kelsea Little, Right This Minute interview, 2018